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The company of A Loss of Roses poses with the family of the author –William Inge.
The company and director (2nd row, center) of The Silver Cord with Margaret Howard (Sidney Howard's daughter - 1st row, far right), along with Rachel Urquhart (Sidney Howard's granddaughter - 1st row, far left), and Juliana Canfield (Sidney Howard's great-granddaughter - 2nd row, far left)
Dan Wackerman and Marie-Christine d’Usseau (wife of Arnaud d’Usseau) before a performance of The Ladies of the Corridor.
The 13th Street Theatre, October, 2005.
Anne Kaufman (daughter of George Kaufman) and Laurence Maslon (editor of the Library of America anthology of Kaufman plays) participate in a talk back following a performance of The Talk of the Town.
Bank Street Theatre, December, 2004.